We’ve gone digital!
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, we’re making our 2020 Fall Retreat “virtual” and available to all FOR FREE! Ready to take your family to the next level? Join us as we learn to apply Biblical principles for improving our families.
All you need to do is register using the form below and we’ll email you the link to our library of videos for this year’s conference.
Every couple is in a battle whether they know it or not. The culture war is raging, the spiritual battle seems to be at an all time high, and we are in a fight for the hearts and minds of our families. Every warrior needs equipping, encouragement, and some R&R.
The Homebuilders Retreat is designed to do just that for couples and singles. The conference’s team of well-qualified Christian speakers and musicians are preparing and excited to share God’s strategic mission with you.
This year’s theme is “Family: worth the Fight” based upon Nehemiah 4:14. On every front, the Christian home is under spiritual attack. The good news is that God’s Word has already predicted the outcome. Greater is He that is us than He that is in the world. Join us in to strengthen your family.